Derek Schreiber Mental Health First Aid Fund
Long-time CLAC representative Derek Schreiber exemplified what it means to be an advocate for fair practices in the workplace and was a strong proponent of mental health. Following his unexpected passing in August 2020, his family wanted his advocacy to continue in the form of a series of MHFA bursaries, to ensure that course cost is not a barrier to participation.
The bursary is open to anyone who is experiencing financial hardship and wants to learn how to support positive mental health in their workplace and community through CLAC’s MHFA training courses.
To take advantage of this bursary and to request to register, please email the CLAC Foundation Team. In your email, please indicate which course offering you are interested in attending (province, date, time, and online/distance or in-person). Once seat and bursary availability are confirmed, you will receive a course registration confirmation from CLAC Training with instructions on how to access the course. Note that individuals who receive training fund monies or can have their course paid for by an employer are not eligible.